As a public figure there are many different risks and benefits or engaging with a public audience in a media space. When you are in the public eye and have a lot of people interested in what you are doing, leads to a scenario that people are going to follow and trust what you say. This can be a good thing if you use the platform you have created in appositive way and make sure that what you are posting is truthful and will be beneficial to others. There can also be the risk of some individuals hat post what is considered “fake news”. This is when someone posts things that are untruthful in the hopes that it will create enough traction in order to persuade people to follow their beliefs. Along with that people who decide to engage with the public also have the risk of receiving backlash. Everyone has an opinion and some of those people decided to use it to break apart of tear down people that have a very public life. This can be extremely hard as when you are constantly hearing all this hate towards you it can start wearing down your confidence and making you see the worst in yourself.
Another situation that is notable is when employers use social media in regards to hiring, firing and interacting with their employees. Social media can be a very wonderful thing as it allows you to express who you are and give you platform to show and update your friends about what is going on in your life. But it is very important to remember that what you post is traceable and could have the potential to squash certain opportunities that come up in your future. I remember from the time that I was allowed to have social media that my mom would always tell me to be careful that what I posted and as aware of how I would want to represent myself. She brought up that some employers might take a look at your social media in order to view your life a little bit. She would always tell me a the story of how her friends daughter really wanted to volunteer as a big sister and be a role model for younger girls, but the organization was skeptical of working with her because her social media was filled with partying pictures and her doing wild things. They thought that she didn’t necessarily represent what they wanted in a role model. Due to her social media it made her miss out on experience that was important to her and her really wanted to do. That is something that has always stuck with me because social media platforms are just a small glimpse of who you are. It does not represent exactly all of who you are, it is just a quick snapshot. But as an employer or boss those quick glimpses give them enough to make an assumption of who you are and what you are like. So that is always something to be aware of.
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