At the beginning of this class I was not very technology savvy and could only vaguely describe what a personal learning network was. Over the period of this class I have gained a lot of knowledge and confidence on how what a PLN is, how you create one as well as the different types of social media platforms out there. Before my knowledge of social media and technology was that people just used them for fun and were a way to keep people updated on your life as well as keeping up with theirs. I knew to a certain degree that people used them for professional development but I didn’t know to what extent. I am very happy that I took this class and had the opportunity to learn things like what media literacy is or how you can have the ability to use previous experiences and skills, then combine them with technology in order to continue leaning and making a difference. I now know that by having an extensive PLN allows you to make connections with so many more people that are not in your immediate vicinity. I learned so many benefits about PLN’s, but was also made aware of some things to look out for. Such as if you have a small closed- minded PLN you will only ever have one perspective, which can create bias and actually impact your learning, growth and developmental in a negative way.
On a closing note this class was quite interesting because in a way it actually grew my own personal learning network. By being put into smaller groups, it gave us the ability to look through other peoples blog posts and see their perspectives and opinions on the weekly material that we had to go through. It gave everyone the chance to expand their views. There was a couple weeks when I would read other peoples posts and see that they had so different takes and ideas about the questions that I had not even considered; which was very neat to see. Overall I really enjoyed my experience in this class and feel that I learned a lot of new useful things.
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